Adult (applicants aged 18 to 64 years)
Senior (applicants aged 65 years or over)
Junior (applicants aged 12 to 17 years)
To change the year, click on it and use the up or down arrows, or type in the year.
  • Club fiscal year starts January 1st and ends on December 31st.
  • Club membership year starts January 1st and ends December 31st.
  • The applicant herein declares that the information contained in this application is true and shall have the same force and effect as if made as a declaration under the Canada Evidence Act .
  • The applicant further declares they have read, understood and will abide by the Gander Rod & Gun Club Range Operating Instructions as published January, 2017.
  • The applicant understands that this application will be reviewed and either approved or rejected by the Executive.
  • I give the Gander Rod and Gun Club the permission to further screen my application through the R.C.M.P, R.N.C, Dept. of Wildlife and the DFO if required.
$ 0.00
Please send the total amount listed above via online interac banking transfer (EMT) to, password: grgc2022